Friends of the Forest

Forest Friends final.jpg

Pre-schoolers and toddlers love a story.  

One of the greatest joys in my work is using storytelling to inspire kids about the wonders of the natural world around them. The best stories are the ones we make up together.  One of the kids in group recently came up with the idea of the forest people.  They were the stars of the tale and lived in the trees and amongst the moss and fallen leaves.

So I thought I’d bring them to life, and in my recent fb live stream we made some forest people using wooden stick figures from the art store, some natural twine and fallen leaves from my garden.

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This easy nature inspired activity, is perfect for bringing the outdoors in, and educating little ones about their relationship with the environment.  Plus you can take some cute pictures of your own forest people and share them on our fb page.


To make your friends of the forest you will need; Some fallen leaves, some string, some sticks (paddle pop sticks are great for this), scissors, PVA glue if you want some extra securing.

figure and string close up.jpg
Stick person

Start by wrapping a little piece of twine around your stick or wooden figure. be sure to leave an end sticking out so you can tie it off when you’re finished wrapping the leaves.

wrapping over and around is a great way to make the leaves more secure.
you can add as much or a little as you like to your figures.

You can even make your forest friends fly!

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When you are ready with your forest friend figures you can set your scene and start your story.


Sustainable sowing


Spinning Rainbows Please.